What is the STAR Program?
The Situational & Treatment Awareness Resource (STAR) Program is a free program designed and coordinated by Southern Chester County EMS to help coordinate aid in cases of emergency for individuals with special conditional or medical circumstances. The goal is to bring pertinent information and care plans to first responders when they need the information most. The program allows for more efficient, personalized care that starts at the scene of an emergency.
How does it work?
The STAR Program utilizes HIPPA compliant data forms to collect information before an emergency occurs. Based on their individual needs, participants will be enrolled in one of two tiers based on the level of intricacies of their circumstance:

Tier 1
Individuals in STAR Tier 1 will be provided with an enrollment packet. This packet contains a paper form with all of the aspects of personalized care first responders may need in case of an emergency. Tier 1 participants will be asked to complete this form and make it available to responders according to the instructions in the enrollment packet.
Tier 2
Individuals who qualify for STAR Tier 2 will be contacted by an enrollment coordinator to discuss the participant’s needs. Once the enrollment coordinator has developed a care plan, the participant will be issued a STAR Program number. This number will be the key to giving first responders access to the participant’s care plan.
Who may qualify?
Everyone qualifies for enrollment into one of the two tiers. The program will be most beneficial for individuals with complex or unique medical conditions. Examples of these conditions include:
- Ventricular Assist Devices (VADs)
- Congenital Defects
- Continuous Medication Infusions
- Ventilator Dependence
- Atypical Anatomy and/or Physiology
- Past or Pending Organ Transplant

How to enroll
To request enrollment in the STAR Program, simply click the button on this webpage, and fill out the questionnaire. You can also enroll by visiting our team at community events. Once you complete the enrollment request, one of our enrollment coordinators will contact you to discuss your tier and the next steps in the process.
Have questions about the program or how to enroll?
Email us at STARProgram@sccems.org