Medic 94 - Southern Chester County EMS
Medic 94 - Southern Chester County EMS2 weeks ago
We often get calls at the MEDIC 94 station from individuals in the area interested in starting a career in EMS and getting their Emergency Medical Technician certification. Our advice includes two things, join your local volunteer fire company and contact Good Fellowship Ambulance & EMS Training Institute for EMT classes. Traditional and hybrid EMT classes starting soon in West Chester.
Medic 94 - Southern Chester County EMS
Medic 94 - Southern Chester County EMS2 months ago
February is National Heart Health month! Did you know that over 356,000 out of hospital cardiac arrests occur in the United States every year? 90% of these events end up being fatal. Medic94 is once again teaming up with Penn Township, to bring the community together to combat this grisly statistic. Join us for one of our FREE hands only CPR courses and learn the basic skills that could save a life!
Medic 94 - Southern Chester County EMS
Medic 94 - Southern Chester County EMS2 months ago
Thank you to Representative John Lawrence who stopped by on Friday with lunch for our paramedics. We valued to opportunity to provide a tour of our new facility to Rep Lawrence and brief him on our pre-hospital blood program.